Downloadable copy of minutes: May 1 2023 Mintues
May 1st 2023
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Tim Meyer. Council Members present Jeremy Waliser, LyDell Mairs, Julie Cole, Ken Williams, Ben Gemar and Rob Waletzko. Guest presents were Eric King, Trevor Seelig, Tim Jordan, Ron Brewer, Jerry Gemar, Janna Miller, Neil Petik, Daleyn Baasch, Ben Halstenson and Lynn Kaspari – Ransom County Gazette and Tracy Eslinger, Moore Engineering.
MOTION – Gemar SECOND – Cole
To approve the additions to the agenda. All Aye
MOTION – Mairs SECOND – Gemar
To approve the minutes from April 3rd 2023 meeting and April 13th 2023 Tax equalization meeting. All Aye
Update on Riverbank Project was given, this will start when the water has returned to normal levels.
Update on 602 Oak Street, the closing on this property is scheduled for the end of this month. Jerry Gemar Code Administrator has planned to go over the repairs needed to pull this property out of condemnation.
Update on commercial lots purchased by Wade and Tracy Urbach, Jerry Gemar received building permits for all lots and they are in compliance.
MOTION – Williams SECOND – Gemar
To approve the estimate for concrete at the Armory parking lot in the amount of $197,000 given by Dolf Enterprises, Inc. To use $75,000 out of the 215 fund and $122,000 from the 310 funds. All Aye
Except Waletzko, Waliser, Nay
MOTION – Gemar SECOND – Mairs
To approve the Police Report. In discussion, part-time labor budget amendment was tabled until June Meeting. All Aye
MOTION – Waletzko SECOND – Gemar
To approve the Water Plant report given by Trevor Seelig. All Aye
MOTION – Waletzko SECOND – Mairs
To approve the Street Department report given by Eric King. All aye
Road repairs came up during the discussion and the conditions of the roads in town.
MOTIN – Gemar SECOND – Waletzko
To approve the budget amendment of $44,000.00 from the streets 2022 machinery and equipment budget for the VENTRAC mower. All Aye
MOTION – Waliser SECOND Waletzko
To approve the budget amendment of the $17,102.24 the Waste Management final payment. All Aye
To approve the Auditor’s and Economic Development report given by Kristina Dick. All Aye
MOTION – Mairs SECOND – Waliser
To approve the following transient permit:
- 9/9/2023 Bronco Bar – Wedding – Lisbon Expo Center
MOTION – Gemar SECOND – Waletzko
- 2023-4 Auntie’s Ice Cream Truck All Aye
MOTION –Waliser SECOND – Cole
To approve the following gaming permits:
- 2023-23 Lisbon FCCLA, Raffle, July 1-31 2023
- 2023-25 Lisbon Bissell Golf Board, Raffle – 8/1/2023 All Aye
MOTION – Gemar SECOND – Waletzko
To approve the following gaming site authorizations:
- Lisbon Bronco Athletic Boosters, Cattleman’s Club
- Lisbon Fire Department, Lisbon Bissell Golf Club All Aye
MOTION – Waliser SECOND – Mairs
To approve Star’s request:
- $5,000 to support the Economic Development position All Aye
Committee Reports:
Housing Authority: Riverview Townhomes have been sold.
Airport: Was approached by Gordan P Anderson about purchasing Hanger #13 that he owns at the Lisbon Airport Authority.
MOTION – Mairs SECOND – Cole
To approve the Lisbon Airport Authority to purchase the building, $26,000 out of fund 245 and $49,000 out of fund 310.
All Aye
MOTION – Waletzko SECOND – Gemar
To request the Lisbon Airport Authority make a annual payment of $5,000 per year for the next fifteen years. All Aye
MOTION – Mairs SECOND – Waletzko
To approve the bills:
-98820 | AFLAC – MONTHLY K1T25 | 533.00 | 17923 | RANSOM COUNTY HWY DEPT | 1050.00 | |
-98819 | MARCO TECHNOLOGIES LLC | 134.60 | 17924 | MOORE ENGINEERING, INC. | 20333.50 | |
-98818 | FATMAN TRASH, LLC | 27117.30 | 17925 | INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPT. | 1245.00 | |
-98817 | VERIZON WIRELESS | 369.57 | 17926 | CHAD M JOHNSON | 140.00 | |
-98815 | DICKEY RURAL NETWORKS | 119.95 | 17927 | BALCO UNIFORM CO., INC. | 1350.98 | |
-98814 | DICKEY RURAL NETWORKS | 706.42 | 17929 | COMPUTER EXPRESS | 315.00 | |
-98812 | CITY OF LISBON | 212.79 | 17931 | TEAM LABORATORY CHEMICAL CORP LLC | 1704.00 | |
-98811 | CASS COUNTY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE | 108.23 | 17932 | DACOTAH PAPER CO | 159.21 | |
-98810 | CASS COUNTY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE | 174.74 | 17933 | AQUA-PURE INC. | 19432.68 | |
-98809 | VERIZON WIRELESS | 369.55 | 17934 | ADGRAPHICS | 50.00 | |
-98808 | VERIZON WIRELESS | 167.12 | 17935 | CASUAL LIVING, INC | 1896.00 | |
17871 | TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH | 40.00 | 17936 | CITY VIEW FUEL | 205.83 | |
17872 | KAY PARK RECREATION | 420.00 | 17937 | LISBON OIL COMPANY | 705.22 | |
17873 | FRANCIS L DEAN & ASSOCIATES LLC | 0.00 | 17938 | OVERN ELECTRIC | 330.00 | |
17874 | FRANCIS L DEAN & ASSOCIATES LLC | 527.70 | 17939 | SHARE CORPORATION | 298.12 | |
17876 | BERT’S TRUCK EQUIPMENT | 37317.80 | 17941 | BAKER & TAYLOR BOOKS | 4557.60 | |
17877 | THE WINDOW MAN | 32.00 | 17942 | GRANT BAASCH | 232.00 | |
17878 | ABUSE RESOURCE NETWORK | 3568.00 | 17943 | ETHAN GILBERT | 240.00 | |
17879 | GORDY’S GRILL N FILL | 3002.58 | 17944 | EASTON BERGEMANN | 225.00 | |
17880 | NDACO SHERIFF’S & DEPUTIES ASSOCIATION | 50.00 | 17945 | MISSY TOYNE | 65.00 | |
17881 | CASUAL LIVING, INC | 50.00 | 17946 | RANSOM COUNTY 4H COUNCIL | 53.26 | |
17882 | JESSE SHELLITO | 52.52 | 17947 | SARA LYONS | 783.12 | |
17883 | LISBON TRUE VALUE | 1002.91 | 17948 | FM RED RIVER RAGE | 400.00 | |
17884 | TEAM LABORATORY CHEMICAL CORP LLC | 8475.00 | 17949 | FLOWERS, ETC | 49.98 | |
17885 | NORTH DAKOTA ONE CALL, INC. | 5.20 | 17950 | LEADBETTER LAW OFFICE | 1664.12 | |
17886 | NORTHERN IMPROVEMENT | 5439.76 | 17951 | FERGUS FALLS MONUMENT CO INC | 2418.00 | |
17887 | POWERPLAN | 1065.40 | 17952 | NDPHIT | 325.00 | |
17888 | BRI-TON | 23.56 | 17953 | ERIC KING | 28.00 | |
17889 | LOFFLER | 28.97 | 17954 | SHEYENNE GREENHOUSE INC | 3273.97 | |
17891 | CITY OF FARGO | 94.00 | 17956 | SANITATION PRODUCTS, INC | 270.00 | |
17892 | DAKOTA WATER SOLUTIONS | 58.00 | 17957 | DANNIE FROEMKE | 39.76 | |
17893 | GRAND FORKS FIRE EQUIPMENT LLC | 302.07 | 17958 | JULIE SLAGLE | 47.59 | |
17894 | LISBON FIRE DEPARTMENT | 63.51 | 17959 | ALEX AIR APPARATUS 2 LLC | 223.13 | |
17895 | EASTON BERGEMANN | 180.00 | 17960 | VOEGELE INSURANCE SERVICES | 1374.50 | |
17896 | CASH | 350.00 | 17961 | ANGIE WALETZKO | 75.00 | |
17897 | STURDEVANT’S AUTO PARTS | 152.12 | 17962 | LISBON FIRE DEPARTMENT | 422.68 | |
17898 | D. EXCAVATING | 3350.00 | 17963 | CITY OF FARGO | 188.00 | |
17899 | ETHAN GILBERT | 157.50 | 17964 | MIDSTATES WIRELESS | 945.00 | |
17900 | SHERI R. ANDERSON | 175.00 | 17965 | CERTIFIED LABORATORIES | 877.45 | |
17901 | RIVERSIDE BUILDING CENTER | 3136.04 | 17966 | WARREN JOHNSON | 246.62 | |
17904 | OTTER TAIL POWER COMPANY | 12471.27 | 17967 | JANNA MILLER | 26.00 | |
17905 | RANSOM COUNTY GAZETTE/ SARGENT COUNTY TE | 1751.16 | 17968 | CASH | 240.00 | |
17906 | SIMPLE WOLF | 2623.02 | 17969 | MONTE KRCHNAVY | 149.30 | |
17907 | LISBON OIL COMPANY | 2208.48 | 17970 | FM RED RIVER RAGE | 400.00 | |
17908 | HR COLLABORATIVE | 50.00 | 17971 | POSTMASTER | 235.55 | |
17909 | WALOCK-JOHNSON INSURANCE, INC | 1030.00 | 17972 | CITY OF LISBON | 17563.45 | |
17910 | AL REINKE | 160.00 | 17973 | JERRY GEMAR | 532.51 | |
17911 | PRODUCTIVITY PLUS ACCOUNT | 821.20 | 17975 | GORDAN PAUL ANDERSON | 75000.00 | |
17912 | RONDU’S OPUS | 2661.51 |
All Aye
Tracy Eslinger with Moore Engineering gave the council updates on the following projects:
- Property Acquisition Money
- Levee Improvements – 2022
- CO2 Tank
MOTION – Waletzko SECOND – Gemar
To approve payment of the following invoices Moore Engineering Invoices:
- Inv #32779 – $3,377.00
- Inv # 32949 – $10,461.00
- Inv # 33210 – $46,495.00 All Aye
Discussion was held on the infiltration issue on the block between Rose and Webster Street.
Meeting Adjourned