Business Enhancement & Beautification Grant

Did you know that there is grant money available for you, the Lisbon business owner, if you want to add a product?

  •  Put up new signage to make sure people know where your business is?
  • Remodel your existing space to create a more inviting or functional environment?
  • Redo the front of your building to improve the outward appearance...just to make it look better?

How about you, the new Lisbon entrepreneur - Are you considering opening a new business in town?

STAR, Lisbon Visitor & Event's Bureau and Lisbon Civic & Commerce have put together a program that will grant you up to $2,000!

Take a look at the grant parameters and download the application.  If you have questions, please don't hesitate to call 701-680-5852.  We would be happy to discuss the possibilities with you!


Overview of the Enhancement and Beautification Grant Program



Up to $2,000 matching funds grant for Lisbon business expenses related to the following:

  1. Distinct new product line.  Directly related expenses such as: Expansion, relocation expenses, signage, displays and/or samples to promote new products or services
  2. Distinct new service. Directly related expenses such as: Expansion, relocation expenses, signage, displays and/or samples to promote new products or services
  3. New business start-up expense.  Priority will be based on the degree the new business offers a distinct new product or service to the community.
  4. Facilities upgrade – for increased customer traffic and/or improve the cosmetics of store fronts or main business entrances.  Substantial improvements are required.  Neglected maintenance, normal wear and tear and minor updating do not qualify.  A detailed description of how the changes will bring in additional business or improve the looks and appeal of your business is required on your application form. 
  5. The Grant Review Committee has the right to grant or refuse any grant application based on their interpretation of the project and its viability. This includes whether or not to grant money multiple times to the same applicant.  Each application will be reviewed individually and without bias.
  • Program to be administered by the Lisbon Civic & Commerce and funded by Lisbon’s STAR and Visitors & Event’s committees.
  • A committee will be appointed to review and approve or deny applications
  • Application forms are available from the Civic & Commerce website.
  • Business must be within the Lisbon business area and a Civic and Commerce Member.
  • Since increased customer traffic is somewhat subjective a thorough description of how you think it will bring in more customers is required in your project write up.
  • The full matching fund grant requires total expenditures of $4,000 to get the $2,000 grant. Lesser and greater amounts qualify but the grant will be smaller for smaller investments but will not exceed $2,000 for the larger expenditures.
  • Normal wear and tear and facility maintenance do not qualify.
  • Grant does not apply to non-profit organizations, public or government buildings.  They may qualify for normal STAR funding.
  • The primary intent is to help provide incentive for businesses to expand their product or service offerings and/or improve the cosmetics of their store’s main entrances
  • Grants will be paid upon completion of the project.  Receipts are required before grant money will be distributed.
  • Grant funding will be set aside upon project approval.  If the scope of your project changes or you are unable to complete the project in the time frame originally stated in the application, you must inform the committee of the changes.  The committee reserves the right to withdraw funding if your project changes to not meet the original grant criteria.
  • There will be a specific dollar amount set aside for the Business Enhancement program and once that money is depleted there will be no additional funding available. Applications received after the available funding has been committed will be denied.   Projects denied because of a lack of funding may be resubmitted if projects approved earlier are withdrawn or money requirements are reduced freeing up funds for additional projects.  The committee will inform the denied project submitter based on submission date.
  • A 6-month results follow-up discussion with the committee is requested.  Did the changes meet your expectations?  To what extent did the grant have in your decision to initiate the project?  Suggestions for other business support initiatives.
  • Signage, expansion projects, relocations, etc must meet City of Lisbon guidelines and permits may be required.  Check with the City Auditor, if in doubt.
  • If grant is awarded receipts and funds must be spent in a 12 month time period when approval was given.
  • Funds of $2000 can be awarded to a business every five years.

C&C Committee:

2 representatives from each of the sponsoring organizations will make up the review & approval committee.


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