Reminder: City ordinances
Please remember the attached City ordinances now that winter weather is upon us. Thank you for your cooperation! Lisbon City – Winter Ordinances
Please remember the attached City ordinances now that winter weather is upon us. Thank you for your cooperation! Lisbon City – Winter Ordinances
Winter weather – delivery requirements The USPS would like to remind everyone that during the winter season your mail carriers are only able to deliver where the roads are clear, and it is safe to do so. Also, if your carrier cannot safely reach your mailbox from their vehicle due to heavy accumulation of snow, […]
Please park vehicles off street where possible for a more effective snow removal process. Thank you! Lisbon_18x18_Emergency_Snow_Route_WGS
We would like to encourage that any vehicles that can be parked off the street please do-so with the pending snow event approaching. This would greatly speed up any snow removal efforts. Thank you in advance!
Take a trip to nearby Fort Ransom and enjoy the day sledding and/or snow skiing at Thrill Hills.