Downloadable copy of minutes: Feb 3, 2025 Meeting
Feb 3, 2025
The meeting was called to order by Council President, Rob Waletzko. Council Members present LyDell Mairs, Jordan Matzke and Ben Gemar, Sandy Hoff joined via Zoom. Guests present were Eric King, Lynn Kaspari – Ransom County Gazette, Janna Miller, Jon Oien, Dylan Thomes, Danny Gross, Jay Anderson, Lacie Halstenson, Lisa Evenson, Jerry Gemar. Hailey Waloch, Gwen Coit, Chelsey joined via Zoom. Jeff Leadbetter joined at 7:13pm.
MOTION – Gemar SECOND – Matzke
To approve the minutes of the Jan 6 meeting. All Aye
Jay Anderson gave an update on the Red River Water Supply project.
MOTION – Gemar SECOND – Matzke
To approve Tim Meyer to sign RRWS memorandum of commitment to 1 cfs. All Aye
An update was provided on the condemnation at 902 Forest regarding asbestos removal to be done in the spring.
MOTION – Waletzko SECOND – Gemar All Aye
To approve Tim Meyer to sign the Ransom County Tax assessor’s contract but to withhold payment until Teresa is able to attend a City council meeting to give explanation regarding charges to the City.
MOTION – Mairs SECOND – Matzke All Aye
To approve Highway 32 closure, per agreement with the ND DOT, on June 20 & 21 for the hours of 4:00pm – 1:00am to accommodate street dances for Happy Days. Jeff Leadbetter will write up agreement to be followed by City of Lisbon and Lisbon Civic & Commerce regarding set up and tear down of signage, etc.
MOTION – Gemar SECOND – Mairs All Aye
To approve Tim Meyer to sign the Ransom County Hazard Mitigation agreement as written.
MOTION – Mairs SECOND – Matzke
To approve the police report. All Aye
MOTION – Matzke SECOND – Gemar
To approve the updated policy manual for the Lisbon Police Department. All Aye
Danny Gross read his Oath of Office and was welcomed to the Lisbon Police Department.
MOTION – Gemar SECOND – Matzke
To approve the public works report. All Aye
MOTION – Gemar SECOND – Waletzko
To approve the auditor/economic development report. All Aye
MOTION – Mairs SECOND – Matzke
To approve City Hall office upgrades with a budget of $25,000. All Aye
MOTION – Waletzko SECOND – Mairs
To approve Moore Engineering’s letter amendment agreement for the CO2 tank project for up to the amount of $15,000. All Aye
Tracy Eslinger gave updates on projects: lift station upgrades, utility improvement project, well replacement, rip rap permitting
MOTION – Mairs SECOND – Gemar
To approve the request letter to ND Dept of Water Resources in the amount of $71,64.22. All Aye
MOTION – Mairs SECOND – Gemar
To approve payment of invoices due to Moore Engineering: Project #20337 – $29,365.25, Project #22414 – $1,000.00, Project #23519 – $4,710.75 dated 1/22/2025 and Project #20337 – $36,033.75, Project #22414 – $1,000.00, Project #22995 – $3,024.00, Project #22995 – $862.50, Project #23519 – $450.00 dated 11/25/2024 All Aye
Rob mentioned that Kristina will be receiving the 110% award from the Nd League of Cities LTP credit program.
MOTION – Gemar SECOND – Mairs
Approval of the Lisbon Fire Department slate of officers:
City Chief – Jason Dick Captain – Darrin Anderson Secretary – Jordan Matzke
Assistant City Chief – Mike Nims Captain – Neil Olerud
Rural Fire Chief – Tim Kennedy Captain – John Lux All Aye
MOTION – Matzke SECOND – Waletzko
To approve STAR’s recommendation of the flex pace interest buy-down in the amount of $13, 000 to Close to Home self-storage. All Aye
MOTION – Gemar SECOND – Mairs
To approve ON sale beer license 2025-7, Hendrickson Enterprise LLC for use at the Sheyenne River Speedway. All Aye
2025-4 Lisbon PTSA, Sports Pool – 2/9/2025
2025-8 Lisbon Bissell Men’s Day Club, Poker – 2/28/2025
3202 Auto Value (Sturdevant’s), 702 Main St – New Signage (pending payment)
MOTION – Gemar SECOND – Matzke All Aye
To approve the bills:
-98519 | E | DICKEY RURAL NETWORKS | 49.01 | 19487 | S | HELMS & ASSOCIATES | 1791.92 |
-98518 | E | CITY OF LISBON | 216.99 | 19488 | S | COLLIERS SECURITIES LLC | 300.00 |
-98517 | E | MARCO TECHNOLOGIES LLC | 144.94 | 19489 | S | STOCK GROWERS BANK | 72273.43 |
-98516 | E | FATMAN TRASH, LLC | 29745.71 | 19490 | S | NORTH DAKOTA ATTORNEY GENERAL | 15.00 |
-98515 | E | AFLAC – MONTHLY K1T25 | 596.96 | 19491 | S | WALOCK-JOHNSON INSURANCE, INC | 3881.00 |
-98514 | E | DICKEY RURAL NETWORKS | 702.42 | 19492 | S | JERRY GEMAR | 548.49 |
-98513 | E | CASS COUNTY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE | 120.24 | 19493 | S | LOFFLER | 31.56 |
-98512 | E | CASS COUNTY ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE | 548.84 | 19494 | S | B & L PLUMBING & EXCAVATING | 300.00 |
-98511 | E | HEARTLAND PAYMENT SYSTEMS | 351.42 | 19495 | S | LISBON FIRE DEPARTMENT | 3067.99 |
-98510 | E | VERIZON WIRELESS | 370.21 | 19496 | S | ANGIE WALETZKO | 125.00 |
-98509 | E | VERIZON WIRELESS | 167.63 | 19497 | S | RANSOM COUNTY GAZETTE/ SARGENT COUNTY TE | 1026.54 |
-98508 | E | CARDMEMBER SERVICE | 6108.77 | 19498 | S | D. EXCAVATING Inc. | 1000.00 |
-98507 | E | NORTH DAKOTA STATE TAX COMMISS | 1387.13 | 19499 | S | SIMPLE WOLF | 20.00 |
-98506 | E | JOB SERVICE NORTH DAKOTA | 185.99 | 19500 | S | TITAN MACHINERY | 58.10 |
19464 | S | NORTH DAKOTA ATTORNEY GENERAL | 15.00 | 19501 | S | JANNA MILLER | 280.60 |
19465 | S | JOSH CRELLIN | 250.00 | 19502 | S | MINN-KOTA COMMUNICATIONS INC | 574.75 |
19466 | S | OTTERTAIL POWER COMPANY | 10927.88 | 19503 | S | MIDWEST PEST CONTROL | 90.00 |
19467 | S | BREMER TRUST NA | 189.33 | 19504 | S | FERGUSON WATERWORKS #2516 | 650.00 |
19468 | S | DAKOTA WATER SOLUTIONS | 46.00 | 19505 | S | RANSOM COUNTY SHERRIFF’S OFFICE | 500.00 |
19469 | S | SOUTHEAST WATER USERS | 98.38 | 19506 | S | AW DIESEL SERVICE | 1254.80 |
19470 | S | WELTON’S TIRE SERVICE | 84.12 | 19507 | S | ETHANOL PRODUCTS, LLC | 1041.89 |
19471 | S | STURDEVANT’S AUTO PARTS | 839.83 | 19508 | S | SIGN SOLUTIONS | 40.46 |
19472 | S | CITY OF FARGO | 28.00 | 19509 | S | HAWKINS, INC. | 2576.60 |
19473 | S | NAPA AUTO PARTS | 88.76 | 19510 | S | DEMCO | 152.05 |
19474 | S | CITY VIEW FUEL | 282.13 | 19511 | S | RYAN LUKES | 50.00 |
19475 | S | DEPARTMENT OF ENVIORNMENTAL QUALITY | 20.39 | 19512 | S | MOORE ENGINEERING, INC. | 107908.86 |
19476 | S | NORTH DAKOTA ATTORNEY GENERAL | 15.00 | 19514 | S | KOTACO | 322.86 |
19479 | S | RYAN LUKES | 75.00 | 19515 | S | LISBON BISSELL GOLF COURSE | 10000.00 |
19480 | S | RECORD KEEPERS LLC | 17.50 | 19516 | S | AXON ENTERPRISE, INC | 11000.00 |
19481 | S | NORTH DAKOTA ONE CALL, INC. | 111.20 | 19517 | S | POLLARDWATER | 4165.25 |
19482 | S | GRAYMONT (WI) LLC | 6082.75 | 19518 | S | KRISTINA L DICK | 257.60 |
19483 | S | BREA SWEET | 105.00 | 19519 | S | CITY OF LISBON | 17907.76 |
19484 | S | TITAN MACHINERY | 6885.61 | 19520 | S | COMPUTER EXPRESS | 22071.00 |
19485 | S | NORTH CENTERAL INTERNATIONAL LLC | 3788.43 | 19521 | S | POSTMASTER | 247.03 |
19486 | S | RANSOM COUNTY SHERRIFF’S OFFICE | 100.00 | 19522 | S | North Dakota POST | 45.00 |
19523 | S | AUGUSTINE DAVID | 85.75 |
Kristina and Janna will be attending Capitol Connection Feb 18 & 19 in Bismarck.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:18pm